• Caprylic acid obtained from MCT oil produced from the fruit of coconut palm Cocos nucifera.
  • Palm oil free, GMO free, gluten free, lactose free, sugar free, soy free.
  • In the form of easy to swallow soft capsules.
  • Packaging made of BioPET (30% of the plastic comes from sugar cane).

If you are following a ketogenic or high-fat diet and your main source of energy in your diet is fats, it is worth supporting yourself with caprylic acid supplementation. Caprylic acid can support the production of ketone bodies, which are the basic energy molecule in a diet high in fat [1].

Caprylic acid, otherwise known as octanoic acid, belongs to the medium-chain fatty acids (MCT). The body does not need bile and lipase to digest caprylic acid, so acid is an easy source of energy for the body. Caprylic acid is found mainly in coconut oil, palm oil, as well as in milk and other dairy products. A ketogenic and fatty diet is a diet in which energy comes from fats provided with food, and carbohydrates make up a small percentage of the energy. For these diets to benefit, the body must learn to draw energy from fats. The presence of ketone bodies in the blood or urine while on such a diet is an indicator of whether we are following the diet correctly. Supplementation with caprylic acid will be helpful in obtaining the appropriate level of ketone bodies [1]. Caprylic acid can help the body draw energy from fats. This effect is most noticeable when acid is taken after an overnight fast and before meals [2]. Caprylic acid may also have antibacterial and antifungal potential. These properties are observed in supporting the treatment of Candida albicans yeast infections [3] or Dermatophilus congolensis bacteria [4]. A healthy microbiota throughout the body is essential for keeping your digestive system healthy and acne-free skin. By influencing the satiety center [5] caprylic acid promotes appetite regulation, which is important for maintaining a healthy figure.

Content MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides) containing min. 90% of caprylic acid, shell (bovine gelatine, humectant: glycerol, water).
Usage Swallow the capsule with a glass of water. We suggest to take one capsule at once, two times a day. Best taken 30 minutes before a meal.
Guarantee 100% without additives. This product does not contain magnesium stearate, anti-friction agents, binders, fillers, yeast, gluten, starch, lactose, artificial sweeteners, flavors, added salt, added sugar, colors or preservatives.
Warning Recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Excessive consumption may produce laxative effects. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet. A varied diet and a healthy lifestyle should be carried out to help maintain normal health. 
Storage Store in a dark and dry place at room temperature, out of the reach of young children.
Manufacturer Osavi (Great Britain).

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
  Amount Per Serving %Daily Value

MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides)

1333 mg


of which

Caprylic acid (C8:0)

1200 mg
