• Calcium contributes to normal muscle function.
  • Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.
  • Calcium is needed for the maintenance of normal bones and teeth.
  • Calcium contributes to normal neurotransmission.

Want to keep your muscles and bones in good shape? Or maybe you care about improving digestion and improving brain function? In this case, it is worth taking care of providing the body with adequate amounts of calcium. The supplement from OSAVI - thanks to the content of calcium citrate - ensures good bioavailability, and thus also a number of benefits for the body.

Calcium is macronutrient necessary for the optimal functioning of many processes in the body. It affects, among others, the proper functioning of the skeletal, nervous, circulatory and digestive systems, and also contributes to maintaining good muscle condition.

As a building block of bones and teeth, as well as blood vessels, hair and nails, it plays an important role in the processes taking place in the body - this applies in particular to the musculoskeletal system. Taking the right amount of calcium increases bone mineral density and reduces the risk of fractures - this is an important aspect for women over 50, who are particularly at risk of osteoporosis. The combination calcium and vitamin D can effectively support the functioning of the skeleton [1]. Studies have shown that calcium citrate reduces markers of bone resorption in postmenopausal women significantly more than calcium carbonate [2]. In addition, it is better absorbed than the aforementioned carbonate by about 22 to 27% - these data refer to taking it both on an empty stomach and with meals [3, 4].

Calcium helps in the proper functioning of digestive enzymes, supports the maintenance of neurotransmission, contributes to proper blood coagulation, affects the maintenance of optimal energy metabolism, and also participates in the process of cell division and specialisation.

Where can you find calcium in food? The main sources of this element are both dairy products and milk itself. A diet rich in yoghurts, cheeses and kefirs can prevent calcium defencies. It is also found in soybeans, beans, kale, grain products and fish, but in smaller amounts. It is worth knowing that it is easy to limit the absorption of this element while consuming, for example, dietary fibre (rich in fruits and vegetables and cereals), phytates (contained in cereal grains, legumes, nuts or seeds) or oxalic acid (it can be found, for example, in in spinach or coffee). In order to provide optimal amounts of calcium, meals should be carefully selected [5, 6]. Food supplements with a highly bioavailable form of the element, calcium citrate, may also help.

Our supplement is in the form of a well-absorbed organic salt - calcium citrate. The product is available in the form of a powder, and the recommended daily dose - 4,8 g - can be easily measured thanks to the measuring cup inside the package (3 measuring spoons are enough for the whole day, providing 960 mg of calcium (120% NRV) ). In addition, OSAVI Calcium Citrate  is tasteless and odourless, so it can be combined with your favourite drinks or simply mixed with water. It also lacks additives, which increases the safety of use and guarantees high quality. The supplement lasts for almost 2 months - the package contains 50 daily portions.


Calcium salts of citric acid.


Mix 3 scoops of powder in 200 ml of water or drink. Drink the suspension immediately after preparation. The presence of precipitate is a natural phenomenon and does not affect the quality of the product. We suggest taking with a meal or immediately after.

Guarantee Osavi manufactures dietary supplements that are prepared on the basis of carefully selected ingredients. In their production, Osavi pays attention to the optimal use of natural resources and follows the laws of the circular economy. This means that each of the products has a minimal ecological footprint.

The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet. A varied diet and a healthy lifestyle should be practiced to help maintain normal health.

Storage Store in a dark and dry place at room temperature out of the reach of small children.
Manufacturer Osavi (Great Britain)

Add facts
Contains per portion: 3 scoops
  amount per serving NRV%

Calcium citrate

4,7 g


of which:



960 mg 120%