GBart v.1.0 is the Soft Mod that transforms your Nintendo DS Lite into a Game Boy Macro. GBart allows you to turn your DS Lite into a Game Boy Macro without any soldering
, which can be complicated and diminishes the originality of your console. With GBart, you can easily revert the console to its original version by simply removing the Soft Mod and reattaching the upper screen.


The Game Boy Macro is essentially a Game Boy Micro enclosed in the casing of a Nintendo DS with the top part removed, while retaining all the touch features of your Nintendo DS.

.TUTORIAL https://youtu.be/wsj9ga7EIbI

INSTALLATION: - Super easy plug&play. Insert GBart in the Upper Screen connector with Bart's face looking at you.

!!!! To disassemble and reassemble the shell, you can easily find a video in your preferred language directly on YouTube; my tutorial will be released in late 2023. Don't be shy, just a couple of screws :) .



LAST BUT NOT LEAST: follow me on Instagram and Hackaday.io - LOVE! (@nbreakfast)