The An-124 was used by Libyan Arab Air Cargo for international cargo charters that required large aircraft. Libya purchased two An-124s: the 5A-DKN Sabrata and the 5A-DKL Susa. They were put into service in 2001. During the 2011 revolution, the Sabrata was seized in its entirety at Tripoli air port, and the Susa was undergoing maintenance at the Antonov factory. One of the An-124 aircraft was preserved in Ukraine.


The An-124-100 Lybian Arab Cargo model series was released in 2018 in the amount of 50 pieces by the Nauport brand (Ukraine) to provide aviation museums and An-124 operators.

The model is made by injection molding from resin with handmade elements by the Nauport brand in Kyiv (Ukraine)

The An-124 model has the correct shape on a scale of 1:200, made according to the forms of ADB Antonov.

On a scale of 1:200 on a chassis, such a model has never been produced by other manufacturers.


Antonov 124-100 Libyan Air Cargo (landing gear)
Livery: "Libyan Air Cargo"

Board number: 5ADKL
Scale: 1: 200
Dimensions: model length 34.55 cm, wingspan 36.65 cm
Option: in flight
Material: High quality cast model from special polymer resins (Axon)
Stand: stand in exclusive brown wood and stainless steel metal holder with hand-shaped screw.
Box: A special cardboard box with foam lodgings, made specifically for the model and the stand.
Production: Nauport
Made in Ukraine