The book set includes five books (volumes #32, #33, #34, #35, #36) from the large book series - "Library of World Literature for Children".


Volume 32 (turquoise) - Fairy Tales of the Peoples of the world "A thousand and one nights".

Volume 33 (pink) - Western-European Drama. William Shakespeare "Hamlet" ("Гамлет");  Molière "The Miser" ("Скупой"); Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "Egmont" ("Эгмонт"); and others.

Volume 34 (black) - Miguel de Cervantes (Мигель де Сервантес) - "Don Quixote" ("Дон Кихот") and Jean-Baptiste Molier (Жан-Батист Мольер) - "The Bourgeois Gentleman " ("Мещанин во дворянстве").

Volume 35 (purple) - Francois Rabelais (Франсуа Рабле) - "Gargantua & Pantagruel" ("Гаргантюа и Пантагрюэль"; Jonathan Swift (Джонатан Свифт) - "Gulliver's Travels" ("Путешествия Гулливера"); Rudolf Erich Raspe (Рудольф Эрих Распэ) "The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen" ("Приключения Барона Мюнхаузена")

Volume 36 (orange) - Raffaello Giovagnoli (Рафаэлло Джованьоли) "Spartecus"("Спартак").

The "Library of World Literature for Children" is a series of 50 volumes published by the publishing house "Children's Literature" from 1976 to 1987 within a program developed jointly with the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. You can find other books from this series in our shop.

ALL 50 volumes of the series "Library of World Literature for Children" are available for purchase. Message me, and I'll send you the full list of all 50 volumes (authors and content). You may choose from the list any quantity, the prices are:

1 book - $39
2 books - $76
3 books - $111
4 books - $144
5 books - $175

All the books from this series are published in USSR, Moscow in 1980 (404 000 copies). Russian language, perfect vintage condition. They are colorful and have bright illustrations. Mostly unread, look and feel like new ones.


The books will be carefully packed and sent right after your payment by airmail. If you need fast delivery by a specific date, please let us know, and we will find the best option for you. Feel free to ask any questions.