Pink Peony 6" x 6" Loomed Beading Pattern by Karen Zumbrun  

This Pink Peony Loomed Bead Pattern is a Delica bead pattern designed to be created with Delica beads. The finished size is 6 x 6 inches. The pattern includes a preview of the beaded design, a bead chart, and a shopping list of beads needed to complete the project. There is also a word chart. The bead design is charted and numbered. 

There are 20 colors of beads in this design.

There are no instructions for loom beading included with this pattern.

You may not distribute or sell this pattern. If you sell your completed works from this pattern, I request that you give Art and Other Things, Karen Zumbrun credit for the design.

Copyright by Karen Zumbrun

  Pink Peony 6" x 6" Loomed Beading Pattern by Karen Zumbrun