Russound P75 Power Amplifier.  In good working and cosmetic condition.  Some do have very minor scuffs or tape residue from normal usage.  Please look closely at all the pictures. 3A

Over 25 years selling on eBay! We specialize in medical, lab, electronics and sometimes some odd equipment! I buy from businesses, auctions and liquidations. Most of our items are used. We do our best to accurately describe the item. We are honest in our listings, we ask that you read the ad and ask questions. Ground shipping goes out next business day, sometimes same day if order comes before Fedex! We rarely answer questions on weekends and during holidays, we will reply first thing next business day. Dan Batson, DGD Inc

Damage policy: We do our best to package your item so if it is dropped or mishandled it will still arrive in working condition. We have very few claims due to our careful packing procedures. If item is damaged, contact DGD Inc immediately and keep all packing materials.

Refund policy: Items must be checked and tested in a reasonable amount of time after delivery. If a refund is requested, items must be shipped back IMMEDIATELY for refund.

Shipping: If there is a shipping cost shown in the auction, it is for the continental US 48 States. Hawaii, Alaska, US properties such as Puerto Rico, Canadian and international shipments have additional shipping costs.


We are truthful in our descriptions and accurately describe our items. There are times when we do not have the ability and/or knowledge to fully test an item. We try to prevent listing items like that as much as possible. If we are unable to fully test, or we do not have knowledge of an item, it will be noted in the auction. If you are uncomfortable about the item and the way it is listed, please do not bid. If you can contact us about a way to test the item or give us more information so we can provide more information about the item please do so. Until you are satisfied with our response please do not bid. We want our buyers to be pleased with the item they receive.

Medical Equipment Policy:

We don't test or certify the equipment being sold for patient use. It is up to the purchaser to meet all requirements and regulation certification processes deemed necessary per FDA or any other regulatory agencies. If you purchase medical, laboratory or any equipment for PATIENT use, it is the buyers responsibility to have the equipment certified, tested and/or inspected prior to patient use.

The sale if this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. If so, do not bid on this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the item is subject to FDA regulation, we will verify your status as an authorized purchaser of this item before shipping of the item.

Seller: DGD Inc  417/894-2682  Brighton, MO  Surplus Reseller