Easter egg, Quilling egg, Quilling Easter egg, Easter Accessories, pysanky.
The egg is a symbol of life. Painting eggs in Ukraine, known since ancient times. Each figure, color has its own meaning.
so for example:
Red - Symbolizes goodness, joy of life, and for young people - hope for a happy marriage. That red egg is the main symbol of Resurrection, sacrifice and heavenly fire. 
My Easter eggs I do the same on an ordinary egg, which is carefully blown out and washed. Only the color and pattern pass through 3mm paper strips. Some of the Easter eggs is decorated with 3 mm pearl beads. The amount of paper details on the easter egg can be from 60 to 120 pieces.
Size : 7cm x 5cm . Easter egg is made in quilling tehnigue.

According to tradition, women who long do not have children, suggest to paint Easter eggs with flowers and give them to children. A house full of children's laughter, like God's flower garden.
The Easter egg can be made in any color to your order that you like. 

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With love Natali

This is decoration made of paper her can not be wet .