Authentic Stonehenge quarry Preseli Bluestone.

This Bluestone was recovered directly from the quarry the Stonehenge stones were cut from.

Comes in 3.5” x 3.5” display with a holographic serial numbered label. Stone measures approximately

1 1/2”-2” in length. Along with your stone you will receive a Certificate of Authenticity with a matching serial number and a full color photo card in a protective holder.

The rocks used for sacred places like Stonehenge typically come from no more than a dozen miles away, Transportation of such stones would have been an arguois task. Yet the distance between Stonehenge and the origin of the stone used is a hundred and forty miles away, in the Preseli Hills, in West Whales. The builders of the Stonehenge transported the stones much farther than any other material used for stone circles in Europe, why?

The ancient builders new of the power of the Bluestones of Preseli, Bluestone is unique.  They new that the Bluestone helps you to live in harmony with the earth and everything on it. It expands your senses, taking you beyond the everyday and into the metaphysical realms where perception is sharper.

This Stonehenge Bluestone will allow you to see the world with different eyes. Connecting to Preseli Bluestone and its sacred sites, carries immense healing energy and forming a open doorways to other dimensions, Preseli Bluestone helps you connect to earth energies and the wisdom of the Celtic Druidic people.