Inscribed Photograph Signed / Autograph Letter Signed

Author: HERRMANN, Julius (1889-1977)
Title: Inscribed Photograph Signed / Autograph Letter Signed

Description: Austrian arranger and leader of a famous monarchist military marching band.

IPS [Schikela] in German, 7" X 9¼", n.p., 1957 July. Inscribed and signed "With hearty greetings from the old Austria," ("old" meaning the unified Austria/Germany). Very good. Minor edgewear. Interesting pose conducting in bemedalled uniform in front of Vienna's Hofburg Palace. Signed "Herrmann / Kpllm." ("Kpllm." as in "Kapellmeister," meaning band leader). Accompanied by ALS in German, 1p, 8½" X 11", Hotel Mediterraneo letterhead, Venice, Italy, 1957 July 9. Addressed to pianist John Leiser. Very good. Reads in part (iin translation): "The enclosed photograph was delivered to me here at the sea, where I spend a few days of vacation. I hurry to forward this picture of myself (taken at the Hofburg in Vienna)...." Unusual pair.

Seller ID: 28659

Subject: Autographs

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