Autograph Letter Signed

Author: STORRS, Richard S. (1821-1900)
Title: Autograph Letter Signed

Description: This noted Congregational clergyman came from a line of noted Congregational clergymen; he pastored the Church of the Pilgrims in Brooklyn, New York, for half a century and wrote much well-regarded religious history.

ALS, 2pp (lettersheet), 5" X 8", Brooklyn, NY, 4 January 1882. Addressed to Henry E. Pierrepont (1808-88), a wealthy merchant of the famed Brooklyn Pierrepont family. Very good. Lightly age toned. On imprinted "80 Pierrepont Street," Storrs writes to a member of the family after whom his Brooklyn, New York street was named and introduces to him "Mr. E. Grant Marsh... son of Rev. Dr. John Marsh, formerly of this city, and very probably thus known to you. I have not met Mr Marsh often in later years, as he has been living in another part of the city: but I know him well in his earlier youth, and have known of him since; and I am confident that the duties of any office entrusted to him will be promptly and faithfully performed...." Nicely penned in brown ink and boldly signed at the close. The "Rev. Dr. John Marsh" mentioned (1788-1868) was a well-known Congregational pastor and leader of the American Temperance Society. A lovely example with nice associations.

Seller ID: 43731

Subject: Autographs

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