This Antique 16th Century Arm Reliquary is a significant artifact originating from Italy. Standing at a height of 21.5 inches with a base width of 6 inches, this relic is dedicated to St. Santos and serves as a sacred vessel for the veneration of the saint.

Crafted in polychrome, a technique employing multiple colors to embellish religious artifacts, this relic reflects the exquisite artistry prevalent in 16th-century Florence. Polychromed items of this era were adorned to evoke spiritual emotions, creating a visual connection to the divine.

St. Santos holds a revered place in religious tradition, symbolizing virtues of piety and devotion. Relics associated with saints were often housed in reliquaries like this one, honored for their spiritual significance.

This relic offers a tangible link to the religious practices and craftsmanship of Renaissance-era Florence. Its historical and religious significance speaks to the devout culture and reverence for saints during this period.

Display this relic within a collection or in a religious setting to appreciate its historical and spiritual heritage—a tangible connection to the religious devotion and artistic expression of 16th-century Florence.