
Generator tetrode GU-74B in ceramic-metal version with indirect-pumped oxide cathode and forced air cooling.
It is intended for amplification of high-frequency oscillations at frequencies up to 60 MHz with output power not less than 550 W.

GU-74B tetrode is used for operation in broadband non-tunable amplifiers and for single-band signal power amplification in radio devices of mobile and stationary equipment for general and special purposes.
It is produced in metal-ceramic design with an outer anode and ring electrode leads.
Operates in a vertical position, leads downward.
Forced air cooling not less than 35 m3/h.
Overall dimensions of GU-74B tetrode:
- lamp height not more than 90 mm;
- lamp diameter not more than 71 mm.
Service life is not less than 1000 h.
Technical conditions: SB3.312.115TU1.

Decoding of tetrode marking:
GU - letter defining the lamp type: GU - generator lamps with generation frequency from 30 to 300 MHz;
74 - number of the serial number of development of this lamp type;
B - letter denoting the type of forced cooling: B - air cooling.