Genesis GENESIS LB ARONIA- Concentrated freeze-dried Probiotic Cultures

Composition: Each tablet of 750 mg contains three active substances: not less than 10 billion live lyophilized bacteria Lactobacillus  bulgaricus и Lactobacillus rhamnosus, 250 mg lyophilized bio aronia and 100 mg bio xylitol. It does not contain auxiliary substances, preservatives, genetically modified ingredients and food allergens (without lactose, gluten, soybean or nuts). The lactobacilli are concentrated in a plant environment of bio vegetables.

Application:   GENESIS LB ARONIA PROBIOTIC contributes to overcome the inflammatory processes in the throat and the oral cavity and to maintain the gut microbiota in optimum balance.

The Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains are isolated from natural sources in Bulgaria and are registered in the National Bank for Industrial Microorganisms and Cell Cultures in Sofia.  Their bactericidal mechanism of action against pathogenic bacteria and their probiotic properties have been tested in the Medical University of Sofia and in the National Centre for Hygiene, Medical Ecology and Nutrition to the Ministry of Health and have been confirmed by prestigious research institutes abroad.


THE ARONIA FRUIT (Aronia melanocarpa) has been known since antiquity as being beneficial for the health. The modern pharmacological and analytical studies explain this effect.  The aronia fruit is rich in bioflavonoids, which are important natural polyphenolic compounds – anthocyanins, catechins, quercetin. They are indispensable natural antioxidants, whose biological activity includes an antioxidant, antimutagenic, cardioprotective, improving the carbohydrate exchange and a general tonic effect.

XYLITOL is a natural product extracted from plants. It is a low glycemic polyatomic sugar alcohol, produced also from the human body as an intermediate of glucose metabolism.  It is used as an auxiliary means to maintain oral hygiene. The microorganisms causing demineralization of teeth with their life activity are found in the oral cavity from early childhood.  Xylitol is not involved in the metabolism of Streptococcus mutans – the major agent causing dental caries and thus it suppresses the growth of bacteria, restores the natural acid-base balance in the mouth and contributes to the strengthening the tooth enamel, reduces the risk of dental caries, calculus and plaque.

GENESIS LB ARONIA PROBIOTIC is suitable for children aged 4 and above, adults with a standard nutrition diet, vegans and vegetarians.Recommended daily dosage:

Children aged 4-12: Up to 5 tablets per day, one or two hours apart (50 billion active beneficial bacteria).

Children aged 12 and above and adults: 8 tablets per day, one to two hours apart (80 billion active beneficial bacteria).

Side effects: None observed with the specified dosages.

Contraindications: None known.

The recommended dosage must not be exceeded!

The product is not a medicinal product and does not replace a varied diet!

16 tablets of 750 mg
32 tablets of 750 mg

Storage conditions:
Fridge storage is recommended.
Two years at a temperature between 0°C and 10°C.
One year at a temperature up to 20°C in a dry, dark place, away from sunlight.