Dried mealworms are a highly nutritious and beneficial food source for birds. They are high in protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals, and can help promote feather health, boost energy levels, support breeding and egg laying, and aid with moulting 
                                                                Pak Himalayan Shilajit

Dried mealworms are a popular type of bird food that are made by drying out mealworms until they are crunchy and easy for birds to eat. Mealworms are the larvae of darkling beetles and are a common food source for many types of birds, including chickens, ducks, and wild birds.

To make dried mealworms, live mealworms are first cleaned and then placed in a container with a drying agent, such as bran or cornmeal. The container is then left in a warm, dry place until the mealworms are completely dry and crunchy.

Dried mealworms are a popular bird food because they are high in protein and other nutrients that birds need to stay healthy.

Nutritional Value of Premium Dried Mealworms

Dried mealworms are a highly nutritious food source for birds. They are high in protein, with an average protein content of around 50%. They are also high in fat, with an average fat content of around 30%.

In addition to protein and fat, dried mealworms also contain a range of vitamins and minerals that are important for bird health. These include vitamin A, vitamin B12, iron, and calcium.

Compared to other types of bird food, dried mealworms are one of the most nutritious options available. They are much higher in protein and fat than seeds or suet, for example. 

Health Benefits of Dried Mealworms for Birds

In addition to their high nutritional value, dried mealworms also offer a range of health benefits for birds. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Promoting feather health: The high protein content of dried mealworms can help birds grow strong, healthy feathers.
  • Boosting energy levels: The fat content of dried mealworms provides birds with a quick source of energy, which can be especially important during the winter months.
  • Supporting breeding and egglaying: The protein and fat in dried mealworms can help birds produce healthy eggs and support the growth of their young.
  • Helping with molting: Molting is a natural process where birds shed old feathers and grow new ones. The high protein content of dried mealworms can help support this process and ensure that birds grow strong, healthy feathers.

How to Feed Dried Mealworms to Birds

Dried mealworms can be fed to a wide range of birds. They can be offered as a standalone food or mixed with other bird foods, such as seeds or suet.

Dried mealworms can easily be stored and can last several months, you just need to hydrate them in warm water for approx 20 minutes before feeding birds.

When feeding dried mealworms to domestic birds, it is important to offer them in moderation. Too many mealworms can lead to obesity and other health problems. As a general rule, it is recommended to offer no more than 10-15 mealworms per day per bird.

To attract wild birds to your yard or garden, you can try placing dried mealworms in a bird feeder or scattering them on the ground. You can also mix them with other bird foods to create a custom bird food blend that will attract a wide range of bird species.

If you are a bird owner, consider adding dried mealworms to your bird's diet to provide them with the best possible nutrition and health benefits. With their high nutritional value and delicious taste, dried mealworms are sure to be a hit with your feathered friends.