've been backpacking sence about 1973. I had a Dimand Brand pack that I bought at the Happy Hiker in Tenn. back in 1987. She bit the dust a couple of years ago. I first picked up a Kelty Continental Divide but was not happy with the way it was set up, just One big pocket. I guess I'm just used to all the packing options you have with a traditional external frame. Anyway I love the West coast pack. It's more comfortable than eather the divide or my old Dimond Brand. I took of the top bar for two reasons, its 100 grams and its a tree catcher, especially in the winter time. My son has an internal frame that I've tried out and theres no doubt that external frame packs can eather be more comfortable or less comfortable depending how you pack them. Remember to keep the heavy stuff high in the pack and close to your body so that the weight is transfered to your hips. This allows you to stand up strait and takes the pressure of your shoulders. You will find that externals are more comfortable than an internal frame packs if they are packed correctly. The West Coast pack seems to be well made priced right and is very comfortable. Buy one and you will agree.

A review I found.  It needs a wipe down but it is sturdy ready to go anywhere.  Eurupe, Asia, or into the wilderness.

Only backpack for sale.