Original watercolor on tissue paper, Spring, by Lynne French.

The detailed and textured painting has many glazes of color applied to achieve the luminous depth and hue to the colors.

This technique was inspired by an ancient Zen meditation ritual in which Buddhist monks meditated on a crumpled, and then smoothed, sheet of rice paper until a vision appeared to them from the random lines and folds in the rice paper.

For these paintings, randomly crumpled layers of tissue paper are applied with gesso to a rigid backing. After many applications of transparent color washes, an image is suggested where the color has collected in the folds and swirls of the randomly applied tissue paper....similar to seeing images in clouds. Further detail in the image that has been suggested by the folds of tissue paper are added with transparent color glazes, and final definition with ink. The painting is then protected with Broad Spectrum UV, and light varnish.

This signed painting measures 16x22 inches mounted on prepared,1/2" thick plywood . The painting is not framed.

Lynne French is a contemporary artist who trained at Chouinard Art Institute, CalArts, where she studied with both Millard Sheets and Phil Dike. She is collected throughout the United States in both private and public collections, has done extensive commercial work and numerous commission pieces. Lynne French is listed with AskArt, and also in The Artist's Bluebook

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