This amp works, though I was able to test to only a limited extent after bringing it up on a variac.  I don't have a mic with the proper connector for the mic input., so I inserted bare wires into the input.  I connected the other end by means of a mono mini plug to the headphone output port on a portable radio.  I proved that the amp works, but for two reasons, I tested it at low gain:  I don't have a speaker with a high temperature voice coil, and I didn't want to risk blowing a speaker; and I don't have a turntable for the phono input.  So the amp will not be DOA, but I can't vouch for its performance beyond that.  I did hear some crackle and hum, but it seemed to happen when the iffy connections I'd made got iffier.

The pictures should tell you what you need to know about cosmetics.  No dents in either the unit or the cage.  The rubber coating on the power cord is getting brittle, so I'd either replace the cord or wrap it with electrical tape where it's cracking. 

I've described the unit's performance and cosmetics as well as I am able, hence, this is an as-is sale.