I'm trying to raise funds for my indie TV show Infinite Simulations. The lens have very good build quality. Wide open at f/1.6 aperture there are chromatic aberrations but if you close the stop the lens down (i.e. turn down the aperture/brightness) those go away and it's nice and sharp. It's probably 5MP, certainly not 3MP. I'm not sure what the FoV is but I think it's 180-degrees FoV. The 1/2" sensor is the same as the 1/.8" only the 1/1.8" sensor is in 4:3 format while the 1/2" sensor is 16:9. There is a small amount of the black ring from the fisheye around the corners in my Mokose UC70 1/1.8" sensor, so if you do use a 1/2.3" or 1/2.5" sensor then it will still be about 150 degrees.