This Folio Society book is an ex-library book, as you can see from the tag on the slipcase and the library card slot. It must not have been borrowed from the library much if at all because it is in really great shape. There are no markings inside and it is very tight and solid. You can see just from the text block pictures how pristine the actual meat of the book is. There are many amazing and glossy illustrations, of which I've included just a few at the end of the picture list.

Folio Society books are constructed using only high-quality materials with uncompromising methods by masters in bookmaking. All are wonderfully illustrated on gorgeous paper with deep fonts. For most people who are only familiar with generic Chinese-manufacturered, mass-produced books, the obvious quality difference is instantly revelatory.

The wavy effect that may appear on fabric in multiple pictures is only "moiré pattern". It occurs when a scene or an object that is being photographed contains fine, repetitive details that exceed sensor resolution. As a result, the camera produces strange-looking wavy patterns. It is simply an effect and doesn't exist on the book in real life.