Stalker ST-9F DX CB Radio is  fully working as pics show it transmits and recieves beautifuly. the chrome around the bezel is a bit shabby and the casing looks to have been repainted. it also looks to have had mods fitted and removed in the past by the look of the back panel. The led number panel is slightly faulty. some segments sometimes  flicker when changing channel but are usually there when the channel is selected in most cases. every nown and again one of the segments is missing when the channel is selected. makes no difference in its use and wont cause you any issues knowing what channel its on but mentioned for full transparency. The NB/ANL switch is now a 10khz shift switch. And the low band setting has been modded inside to now do mid band instead. as said it all works great and is a lovely rig apart from the bezel that could do with wrapping or painting. Comes with a brand new coffin mike that works great with it. and new turn screws and power lead. it has a home made bracket that works but could also do with replacing.