i picked this up from a recent KISS charity auction

I wore it for 2month max.

I have decided to wear a different pendant now and putting this up for auction

see the measurements photo.... its  1.5" PLUS!!! (close to 1.75")

measures at about .75" wide

and its THICK  and HEAVY

There are crystals or glass chips (not diamonds) but some sort of diamond like cystal PAVE chips

I am unsure what metal this is but its NOT gold, its NOT Sterling - its some type of common metal zinc maybe

front shows well

the little ring that connects it to a chain shows a little rub wear  and the back shows a little wear/tarnish/coating wear off

I am also including a cheap necklace chain (again its not gold or sterling but some common metal)

I have taken a decent amount of photos (with my iphone) showing it at angles, front and back (not of the chain as the chain is generic)... plus i took some photos with the green background with my digital camera for a different look

This pendant POPS!  let me tell you , with a button down,  2 buttons un-done and folks look RIGHT THERE ON YOUR LOWER FRONT NECK and see it.  I got a lot of comments, compliments and it created a few epic conversations and evoked folks' memories of the "show they attended"

The PAVE style bling is really cool

i loved it when i got it at the auction and to me it is a one of a kind pendant as prior i looked on ebay and other internet sites for something similar and saw charms and small pendants and earrings and such but nothing quite like this.  I see someone else has one similar with swarovski crystals..  this is like that but not that.