Item details

Origin myth and the ceremonial production of masks. (Author's dedication!). Inaugural dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy at the Free University of Berlin.

MOEBUS, Joachim:

Berlin: Free University. [1964]. 113, (1) pp. Original paperback with linen spine and cover title. Somewhat yellowed due to paper, good condition.

Language: German

Order number: 23638B

Remarks: With a supplement: "Paideuma - Communications on Cultural Studies", special print, 48, 2002, Kohlhammer": special print on Joachim Moebus (1928-2001) by Karl-Heinz Kohl. With handwritten, monogrammed author's dedication on the title page.

Keywords: regional studies, regional studies abroad, dissertation, ethnology, regional studies abroad, masks, mythology, signed books, dedicated copies

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Berlin: Free University. [1964]. 113, (1) pp. Original paperback with linen spine and cover title. Somewhat yellowed due to paper, good condition. Language: GermanOrder number: 23638BRemarks: With a supplement: "Paideuma - Communications on Cultural Studies", special print, 48, 2002, Kohlhammer": special print on Joachim Moebus (1928-2001) by Karl-Heinz Kohl. With handwritten, monogrammed author's dedication on the title page.Keywords: regional studies, regional studies abroad, dissertation, ethnology, regional studies abroad, masks, mythology, signed books, dedicated copies