Give your furry friend the best with Hill's Prescription Digestive Care i/d low fat Wet Dog Canine In Stew. This delicious wet food is specially formulated to provide complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs. Made with real chicken as the main ingredient, it is rich in protein and low in fat, making it perfect for dogs with digestive issues. The stew comes in a case of 12, with each unit containing 13 oz of food.

The wet food is suitable for dogs of all sizes and life stages, and features a low-fat formula that helps maintain a healthy weight. The expiration date for the Hill's Prescription Digestive Care i/d low fat Wet Dog Canine In Stew is 12/25, giving you ample time to feed your pooch the best. Whether you have an extra small, small, medium, large or extra-large dog, this wet food is sure to keep your furry friend happy and healthy.