Traditional Persian Area Rug

For sale is a classic Persian rug featuring an ornate central medallion design, complemented by intricate floral motifs and an elaborately detailed border. The rug's palette is rich with deep blues, vibrant reds, and soothing cream colors, exuding an air of timeless elegance.

Design & Origin: This piece showcases traditional Persian patterns, suggestive of Nain styles, characterized by the central medallion and detailed border work.

Dimensions: Approximately 5.2 ft x 7.5 ft (158 cm x 230 cm), ideal for a variety of room settings.

Knot Density: Machine made.

Condition: The rug is in good condition with signs of wear consistent with its age. The rug does need a good cleaning, however, as it is machine-made, I will leave it to the discretion of the buyer whether they'd like to clean it or not.

Please note, the actual colors of the rug may vary slightly from the pictures due to camera quality and lighting conditions.