Konseen Chair Green Screen Pop Up Portable Chromakey Background 3.9x5.9FT 120x180cm Attachable Collapsible Backdrop Blue Green 2 in 1

It features two colors on both sides for versatility, and straps on both sides that may be fastened to the chair directly. When not in use, the Background Panel can be folded down and stored or transported in this convenient zippered carry bag. Sturdy Fabric is stitched into a metal frame. A spring steel frame holds the cloth tightly, preventing creases and wrinkles from being folded. Perfect for those who work in sales, telecommuting, cyber schools, computer gaming, video tech advisers, and portrait photography. Most seats, including gaming chairs, will fit the portable green screen. Package includes 3.9x5.9FT 120x180cm attachable collapsible backdrop Blue Green 2 in 1, carry bag; green collapsible backdrop.