willfort anaemia drops || Pack Of 3 (30mlx3 || Dr.Willmar Schwabe

Dr Willmar Schwabe India Willfort Anemia Drop is a homoeopathic preparation that addresses anaemia-related symptoms. Willfortâ„¢ contains medicines that are well-established in the treatment of symptoms such as weariness, anorexia, pallor, sleeplessness, shortness of breath, and other anaemia related symptoms.

Key Ingredients:
  • Acidum aceticum 3X 16% v/v
  • Argentum nitricum 5X 3% v/v
  • Beta vulgaris 2X 16% v/v
  • Cinchona officinalis 2X 16% v/v
  • Ferrum metallicum 6X 8% v/v
  • Glonoinum 4X 5% v/v
  • Lecithin 5X 8% v/v
  • Manganum aceticum 3X 16% v/v
  • Vanadium metallicum 6X 8% v/v
  • Excipients QS
  • Alcohol content: 49%

Key Benefits:
  • It increases haemoglobin while effectively treating anaemia-related symptoms such as fatigue, anorexia, headache, mental exertion, pallor, palpitations, and weak pulse, among others
  • It also aids anaemia caused by the loss of essential fluids
  • It boosts children's appetite and mental capacity, making it beneficial for all age groups
  • Overall, the composition increases the number of red blood cells, haemoglobin, and the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood