1889 antique MANCHESTER ma HISTORY w foldout TOWN MAP fisheries civil war +++

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This listing is for the original hardcover book, cloth over board, measures approx 9.25"x6.25" with 425 pages.

Lamson, Rev. D.F. History of the Town of Manchester Essex County, Massachusetts, 1645-1895. Boston: The Pinkham Press, circa 1895.


Historical Statement iii 
Preface . . . v 
Chapter I. Introductory 5 
Chapter II. Beginnings . . . . . . .15 
Chapter III. The First Comers: Who and What were They? 31 
Chapter IV. The Early Life of the Town . . 45 
Chapter V. The Revolutionary Epoch . . .69 
Chapter VI. The Fisheries 99 
Chapter VII. The War of 1812 . . . . .125 
Chapter VIII. The Cabinet Making . . . . 143 
Chapter IX. Anti-Slavery Days .... 167 
Chapter X. The War for the Union . . . 177 
Chapter XI. The Summer Resort . . . .191 
Chapter XII. The Schools 205 
Chapter XIII. Churches and Church Buildings . 221 


A. A Sunday in the Olden Time .... 255 
B. A Typical Old-time Minister .... 265 
C. Cemeteries 271 
D. Early Houses 281 
E. The Stores 285 
F. The Military Service 289 
0. The Post-Office 303 
H. The Fire Department 309 
1. Some Old Books 317 
J. Police Regulations . . . . . . . 321 
K. Some Notabilities 323 
L. Flotsam and Jetsam . . ... . . 343 
M. The Water Works 363 
N. Town Officers, etc 373 

The Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary . . 383 


1. Seal of the Town ii 
Designed by "W. H. Tappan. 

2. Map of the Town Next back cover 
Drawn by "W. H. Tappan. 

3. Plan of the " Four Hundred Acres " . .21 
By the courtesy of W. Orison Underwood, Esq. 

4. Low House and Abby Baker House . . .49 
From photographs by J. R. Cheever. 

5. Murray House ; third tavern 66 
From drawing by W. H. Tappan. 

6. Forster's Wharf, with " Chebacco boat," "Grand Banker" and "Jigger" 112 
From water-color by W. H. Tappan. 

7. Old Town House and Town Hall .... 196 
Old Town House from painting by W. H. Tappan ; Town Hall from photograph by J. R. Cheever. 

8. Library Building 197 
From photograph by J. R. Cheever. 

9. Story High School and G. A. Priest School . . 213 
From photographs by J: R. Cheever. 

10. Third Meeting-House (1720-1809) . . . .240 
From sketch by W. H. Tappan. 

11. Congregational Church ...... 242 
From photograph by J. R. Cheever. 

12. Fac-Simile of Letter by Rev. Benjamin Tappan . 227 
From the original document. 

13. Baptist Church ........ 246 
From photograph by J. R. Cheever. 

14. Emanuel Church and Catholic Church . . . 250 
From photographs by J. R. Cheever. 

15. "Old Red House" ....... 244 
From drawing by W. H. Tappan. 

16. First Post-Office 303 
From water-color by W. H. Tappan. 

17. Engine-House . . . . . . . .309 
From photograph by J. R. Cheever. 


E. Tappan, 1 Asa Story, M. D., 2 John Dodge, 3 D. L. Bingham 4 . . .331 

1 From a water-color. 2 From a photograph. 
3 From an ambrotype. 4 From a silhouette. 

John P. Allen, John Price, Richard Trask, Thomas 

Leach 333 

From photographs. 



The illustrations are by Kilburn & Cross, Boston, with the exception of the Map of the Town, which was lithographed by A. W. Moore & Co., Boston. 


In 1751, an Act of Parliament ordered that the new year begin with Jan. 1, 1752. Before this, the year had commenced March 25. It was also ordered that eleven days be dropped, September 3 being reckoned September 14. This attempt to rectify the calendar must be borne in mind in connection with dates previous to March 25, 1752, unless it is stated that they are given in New Style. 


In a quotation on page 87, is a statement which should be corrected. The exploit of Capt. Pert, which belongs to the war of 1812, and not to the Revolution, was brought to a successful termination by the aid of Manchester fishermen with whom he managed to get into communication, near the entrance to Gloucester harbor, and not " under the guns " of the 
forts at Boston. Manchester deserves the full credit of this 
remarkable feat in the history of naval tactics. 


In the circular issued Dec. 20, 1894, it was stated that genealogies of the earlier families would be published, so far as 
they were furnished for that purpose, and as there should be 
space for them. To the disappointment of the committee, 
there have been but nine genealogies sent in, in time for publication, and of these five were more or less defective, one being a mere fragment. The other four have already appeared 
in print. In these circumstances, the committee deemed it 
advisable to omit the publication of genealogies altogether. 
The MSS. have been deposited in the archives of the Historical Society.



Adams, John, quotation from, 71, 81. 
"Agassiz' Rock," 11. 
Agawams, Gosnold's description of, 6. 
"Age of Homespun," 47. 
Aix-la-Chapelle, treaty of, 64. 
Alarm in 1746, 63. 
Allen family, name and home of, 343 ; some oldtime members of, 323. 
Allen, John Perry, 146, 147, 334. 
Allen, " Sailmaker," 326. 
Allen, William, first of the name, 323; will of, 323, 324. 
Andrews, Captain W. A., 341. 
Andros, Sir Edmund, 58. 
Anti-slavery enthusiasm, 170, 172; prayer-meetings, 171; 
period, an education, 174. 
" Arbella," the, arrival of, 17. 


Babcock, "Goodman," 325. 
Baptist church, the, 246-250. 
Baptists, early, character and treatment of, 262, n. 
" Barrington, " privateer, loss of, 85. 
" Bay horse," the, 71. 
Beliefs and misbeliefs, 91. 
Benjamite, a left-handed, 324. 
Bible, oldest in town, 317. 
Bingham, Dea. D. L., 153, 303, 332. 
"Biskuitt" and "Barbels," 109. 
blockade-running, bold, 131, 132. 
Bloody Brook, Manchester men at, 55„ 
" Blue Laws," 36, n. 
Book, a " worldlie," 319. 
Book-keeping, in 1750, 120. 
Books, some old, 317-319; owned in partnership, 319. 
Burnham, "Elder" Elam, 246, 247. 
Business, the present, 357. 
Brick-making, 357. 
"Bridal of the earth and sky," 263. 
" Brushie Plain," 61. 

Cabinet Maker, the, quotation from, 150. 
Cabinet manufacturers, list of, 162, 163. 
California, emigration to, 150, 350. s 
Call to arms, 77. 
Cape Ann, advantages of, 18, 19. 
Carter, Capt. John, 334. 
Carter, Obed, Town treasurer, 336. 
Catholic church, the, 250. 
Celebration, July 4, 1826, 152. 
Cellar-holes, at "North Yarmouth," 45, n. 
Cemeteries, early, 271; records concerning, 272-274; old inscriptions in, 274-276. 
Cemetery, Kosedale, 277, extension of, 278; Union, 276. 
"Chairs," 49. 
Charter of New England, 16. 
"Chebacco" boats, 105. 
Cheever, Bev. Ames, ordained, 225 ; grave of, 275. 
Cheever, Ezekiel, 328. 
Cheever, Rev. Samuel, 249. 
"Chesapeake," fight with "Shannon"; Lambert Flowers on, 234. 
Chever, Rev. Mr., his "schoole," 207. 
Chimneys, " firing" of, 310; defective, to be " viewed," 310. 
" Chimnies, catted," 45. 
Citizen-soldiery, 129, 181. 
Cleaveland, Rev. John, 261. 
Clouds, gathering, 69. 
Coaching days, early, 303. 
Coast guards, 74, 75. 
" Cold Spring," 153. 
Colonies, union of, 54. 
Commentary , Matthew Henry's, 318. 
Committees of Safety, 71, 128. 
Common lands, 19. 

Company of foot, Capt. Hooper's, 129; inspection roll of, 291. 
Conant's colony, 15. 

" Conclusions " for establishing a colony, 33. 
Conveyances, 355. 
Coronation, 191. 

"Cove," likely to become the " West End," 34, n. ; business of 

in 1700, 61. 
Craft, Benjamin, 327. 
Craft, Eleazer, 328. 
Craft, Mrs. (Samples), 285, 325. 
Currency, disturbance of, 62, 79, 266, n. 
Cutler, Dr. Manasseh, 61. 


Dana, Richard H., earliest "summer resident," 192, 194. 

Dana, R. H., Jr., delegate to Constitutional Convention, 169. 

"Dark Day," the, 91. 

Darkness, days of, 71. 

Dartmoor prison, 135. 

Deacons, names of, 238. 

Dedication of G. A. R. Burial lot, 278. 

Deed of Masconomo's grandsons, 345. 

*' Deemster," a natural, 324. 

"Devouring wolves," 57. 

Diet, the Puritan, 50, 51. 

"Dippers" cause dismay, 262. 

Dodge, Moses, first cabinet-maker, 144. 

Dodge, "Mother," 326. 

Dodge, "Skipper," 324. 

Dread alarms, 54. 

Dudley, Gov., letter of, 57. 


Early houses, 281-283. 

Early settlers, hardships of, 53; "made their mark," 47, n. 
Earthquakes, 351. 
Ecclesiastical preserves, 267. 



Education, early care for, 205. 

" Elder Brethren," 199-201. 

Embargo of 1807, 125. 

Emerson, Rev. Samuel M., 233. 

Emigration, early, 54, n. ; to British provinces, 72. 

Epidemic in 1794, 90, 352. 

Epidemics, 351, 352. 

Episcopal church, the, 250. 

Erecting a " Villiage," 23, 26. 

Everett, Edward, his oration at Charlestown, 64. 


"Fallen to the leeward," 357. 

Families, early, size of, 51. 

Fire brigade, early, effectiveness of, 311. 

Fire department, the, 309-315; apparatus and force of, 314. 

Fire-engine companies, 311, 312; records of, 312, 313. 

Fire-engine, steam, " Seaside," 313. 

Fire-engines, built in Manchester, 145, 311. 

Fire, "the Great," 148, 149, 312. 

Fires, dread of, 243, 309; precautions against, 309, 310. 
First comers, the, 31 sq. 
Fish, abundance of, 46. 
Fish-flakes, first, 100, n. 
Fish-house, evolution of, 194. 

Fisheries, the, 99; school of prowess, 102, 116; decline of, 114, 

Fisherman's outfit and fare, 109; correspondence, 109, 110, 

Fishermen in Revolution, 103. 
Fishing-stage, set up, 45. 

Fishing vessels, names of, 113, 114; small size of, 104, 105. 

Fishing voyage, description of, 108, 114. 

Flotsam and Jetsam, 343. 

" Flower of Essex," the, 55. 

Flowers, Lambert, 134. 

Forging ahead, 140. 

Forster, Israel, 336. 

" Four Hundred acres," the, 19, 21; bounds of, 21, 22, n. ; map 
of, 21. 



"Franklin Building," the, 285. 
Freeman, Rev. George E., 237. 
" Freemen," 19. 

Free Soil sentiment, 169; Convention, 170. 
"Frenchmen," 258, 347. 
Frugal comfort, 159. 
Fugitive slave, harbored, 173. 
Fugitive Slave Law, 171. 


Gala days, 152. 
"Garden, Old," the, 80. 
Genealogical trees, some, 144. 
Genealogies, note on, xii. 

Girdler, John, his exploit on the high seas, 86. 

Gleason, Rev. George L., 237. 

" Gloucester," privateer, loss of, 84. 

"Golden Ball," the, 60. 

Gold hunters, the, 350. 

Goldsmith, Gifford, his cosmogony, 61. 

Government, "paternal," 322. 

"Grand Bankers," 105. 

Grants of land, first, 20. 

Gray, William, Jr., his benevolence, 90. 

Griffin, Rev. Leonard, 234. 

" Great Awakening," the, 93. 

Grist-mills, 356. 

Growth, slow, 22, 33. 


Half-way covenant, the, 230. 

" Hawke," privateer, shipping papers of, 348. 

Heirlooms, 143. 

" Heroes of '76," 94. 

Higginson, Rev. Francis, his description of harbor, 17. 

Hiram Golfs Beligion, quotation from, 142. 

Home industries, 138, 139. 

Hooper's, Capt. Joseph, company, 291, 292. 

" Horn-books," 60. 

"Houseben, a loueing," 110. 

Houses, ancient, described, 49. 




Ice-cutting, A. F. Bennett's, 357. 
Impressment of seamen, 125. 
Incident, an amusing, 151. 

Indian population, smallness of, 5; lands, payment for, 8; 

wars, 54-56, men in, 289. 
Indians, their shell-heaps and graves, 5, 345; made no history, 

6; epidemic among, 6, 7. 
Industry, a hive of, 160. 
Invasion, fear of, 132. 
Inventories, 46, 82. 

Ipswich, "large-limbed," 7; Whitefield at, 94; Convention at, 
; 128. 


Jeffrey, William, 20, n. 
Jeffrey's Creek, 20, 23. 
Jehus, not encouraged, 321. 
"Jiggers," 105. 
Johnson, Lady Arbella, 17. 


Kettle cove, landing at, 21 ; name of, 21, n. 
Kettle, John, 21, h. 

King Charles, charter of, 16; proclamation of, 33. 
Kitfield, William, his courage and shrewdness, 86. 


" Labor days," 152. 

Labrador, off for, 107. 

" Land hunger," 19, n. 

Leach, Capt. Daniel, 85. 

Leach, Capt. Thomas, 333. 

Leach, Dr. E. W., 337, 

Leach, Henry C, 340. 

Lecbford, his testimony, 35, 37, n. 

Lectures, by W. H. Tappan, 157. 

Lee, Andrew, 325. 

Lee, " Aunt" Martha, 326. 



Lee, Edward, 92, 261, 325. 

Lee, John, 81, w., 324, n., 341, 345. 

Lee, Samuel, his grievances, 329, 330. 

Legislation, early, often minute, based on Old Testament, 36. 

Legislature, petition to, 127. 

Lexington company, names of, 77, 78. 

Library building, 196-198. 

Library, the, and the schools, 214. 

Log-book, Capt. Benj. Hilton's, 117. 

Longevity, earlier and later, 352. 

Losses of life, at sea, 110, 111; by savages and pirates, 112, 

Louisburg, siege of, 62 ; Manchester men at, 62, 63. 
Lyceum, the, 154, 155 ; still a field for, 156. 
" Lyons," at Cape Ann, 57, 91. 


Mail service, early, 303. 
Manchester, Earl of, 31. 

Manchester, description of, 10-12; in the Civil War, 178; its 
shore line, 11; "makers" of, 342; man, portrait of, 34; 
name of, 23, 31; shipmasters of, 103, 348-50; shipwrights 
of, 135, 136; sons of in naval service, 84, 103, 134, 135. 

Manchester-by-the-Sea, 192, n. 

"Manchester," schooner, 107. 

Man and Nature, 193. 

Martineau, Harriet, at Manchester, 191. 

Masconomo, chief of Agawams, 7 ; different names of, 7 ; early 

loss of power of, 9; grandsons of, 8, 345. 
Meeting, diversions in, 260, n. 

Meeting-house, the, nucleus of village life, 34; "seating of," 
240, 257. 

Meeting-houses, 239-243 ; means of warming, 243. 
Memorable days, 178, 
Memorial days, 185. 
Memorial tablets, 198, 199. 
Memory, a, worth embalming, 162. 
Men-of-war, British, on coast, 130. 
Merchant vessels, masters of, 103, 348-350. 
Methodists, forbidden to meet in Town House, 230. 
Military service, the, 289-301. 


Mill on " Brushie plain," 61. 

Ministers, early, 222; later, 237, 238; of Baptist church, 248; 

licensed, 249. 
Molly Morgan, "charmer of warts," 261. 
Molly Sennit, 92. 
Moore, "Master," 283. 
Morals, early, high state of, 35. 
" Mr. Eminent Respectability," his views, 174. 


Naumkeag, 15. 
Navigation taught, 210, 283. 
Nebraska bill, opposed, 169. 
"Neutral Ground," the, 80. 
" New Education," the, 216. 

New England, founders of, their character, pedigree, and rank, 

32, 34, 35; theocracy of, 36, 37. 
"New Lights," 94, 261. 
North shore, the, beauty of, 191. 
Northey, Edward, 324. 
Norton's Point, breastwork at, 129 
Norwood, Dr. David, 352. 
Notabilities, some, 323-342. 

old and New Style, note on, xii. 
" Old Wenham Road," 201. 

Paper, by John Lee, extracts from, 80, 81. 
Parish, Rev. Ariel, his early death, 229. 
Parishioners, breachy, 262. 
Parson, a patriotic, 261, n. 
Parsonages, 244, 245, 269. 
Peace, rejoicings at, 88, 138. 
Persons, lost at sea, 358-361. 
Pert, Capt. William, xii, 87. 
Picnics, early, 153. 
Pilgrim Fathers, the, 40, 41. 
Pilgrim stock, "pethed with hardihood," 50, n. 
Places in town, names of, 27. 
Plain living, 46, 47. 
Police regulations, 321, 322. 
Poppy, the, other posies besides, 160. 
Postage rates, 304, 307. 
Postal statistics, 306-308. 
Post office, the, 303-308. 
PractIcal Navigator, Bowditch's, 120. 
Preston, "Skipper," 324. 
Price, "Master," 217; his pupils, 217; reunion of, 217; his character, work, death, 218. 
Prices, table of, 66. 
Priest, Dr. G. A., 213. 
Privateering, little objection to, 79, n. 
Problem, a new social, 194. 
Proceedings of 250th anniversary, 383. 
Products, industrial in 1837, 161. 
"Proprietors," 19, 20. 
Prosperity, increasing, 59, 65, 89, 138, 140. 
Puritans, humor of, 71; pioneers of civil liberty, 38; self-respect and intelligence, 38. 


Rattlesnakes, 353; mighty hunter of, 353. 
Representatives, list of, 379. 
Eesidents, early, list of, 65, 66. 
Resolutions, spirited, 126. 
Revolution, the, causes of, 70; Manchester in, 78, 95; men in, 289-291 ; spirit of, 94. 
Roads, early, 48, 59. 
Romantic incidents, 83. 
Russell, Rev. P. R., 247; Rev. T. C, 249. 

Saw-mills, 356. 
Scholars, in higher schools, 215. 
" School dams," 60, 207. 
School districts, 209; houses, 208, 210, 213, 
School, high, established, 210; high-water mark of, 212; some teachers of, 211. 
Schools, early records concerning, 206-208; drawing and music in, 214; superintendents of, 214, 215; the earlier not failures, 216. 
Scripture precedent, reverence for, 223. 
Sea-fights, the great, 137. 
Secession, 177. 
Second Adventism, 157, 158. 
Selectmen, list of, 373-378. 
Senators, 379. 
"Shannon," frigate, Rufus Choate's description of, 120, n. ; fight with the " Chesapeake," 133. 
Shay's Rebellion, 88, 89. 
"Singing Beach," 11. 
Slavery in United States, 167; lecture on in 1775, 168. 
Slaves in Manchester, 168, 325. 
Small-pox, the, 351. 
Smoking in streets, not considered " good form," 321, n. 
Soldiers, enlistment of, votes concerning, 75-77. 
Southern scare, a, 151. 
Store, first, 59, 285. 
Stores, the, 285-287. 
" Storm and stress period," a, 72. 
Story, Dr. Asa, 213, 335. 
" Straitness and scarcity," 79, 95. 
Stratagem, Captain Pert's, 87; note on, xii. 
Summer resort, the, 191; benefits of, 195, 196; time not yet, to write history of, 201. 
Sunday in olden time, 255; customs and observance of, 256-261. 
Sunday school, organized, 231; palmy days of, 232; seventy- Fifth anniversary of, 232. 
Supplement, 383. 

"Talbot," the, in Manchester harbor, 17. 
Tappan, Eben, 331. 
Tappan, Ebenezer, 331. 
Tappan, Lewis N.,'338. 
Tappan, Prof. David, 268, 354.
TappaN, Eev. Benjamin, 226, 257, 265. 
Tappan, Samuel F., 339. 
Tarratines, the, 10. 
Taverns, first, 59, 60. 
Taylor, Rev. O. A., 235. 
Taylor, Rev. Rufus, 236. 
Temperance Society in 1829, 158. 
Tenney, Rev. E. P., 237. 
Tenney, Rev. F. V., 236. 
Tent and altar, the, 221. 
Thrift, a period of, 159. 
Thurston, Rev. James, 232. 
Tide-mill, 60. 
Tories, 62; emigration to British provinces of, 63. 
Total abstinence, church action on, 234; required in Fire Department, 313. 
Town, the, manly action of, 58 ; petition of, 94 ; life of, half maritime, 104; never humdrum, 52. 
Town clerks, list of, 378. 
Town Hall, 196. 

Town Landing, settlement at, 22. 
Town meeting, first, 23; origin of, 24; its value as an educator, 24, 25. 
Town records, credit due to editor of, 20, n. ; first book of, 
lost, 23; extracts from, 52, 72, 73-77 ; see Schools, Churches, etc. 
Trask, Capt. Richard, 332, 335 ; Mrs. Abby Hooper, 337. 
Travel, a century ago, 354. 
Tuck, Capt. William, 85, 330; Rev. Benjamin F., 250. 


"Underground railroad," the, 173. 
Union, the war for, 177. 
Unitarians, the, 251. 
Unity, ecclesiastical, dream of, 251. 
Universalists, the, 251. 
Uprising of the North, 177. 

Values, rise in, 193, n. 
Veneer sawing, 147. 
"Victory, a glorious," 130. 
" Village Hampdens," 78. 
" Village," erecting a, 23, 26. 
Virginians, three hundred, halted in Manchester, 84. 


War, civil, the, results of, 186; records of, 178-180, 182-184; men in, 293-301 ; woman in, 186, 187. 
War of 1812, distresses of, 133; eclipsed by later events, 137; men in, 291-293. 
Water commissioners, 364. 
Water-works, the, inception of, 363; construction of, 365, 366; 
Capacity of, tested, 366; completion of, celebrated, 369- 371 ; finances of, 364. 
Watts' Psalms and Hymns, 259, n. 
Whipple, Dr. Joseph, 73, 84. 
Williams, Roger, his ministry at Salem, 246. 
Winter, a gloomy, 177. 
Winters, severe, 50. 
Winthrop, John, arrival of, 18; character of, 17, n. 
Woodberry, Larkin, 334. 
Wolves, particularly aggravating, 57, n.

Excellent original early family and/or town genealogy, history, antique, collectible heirloom and/or ephemera.

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