Step into the mesmerizing world of minerals with our breathtaking Dioptase, Calcite, and Shattuckite specimen from the mineral-rich lands of Congo. This exquisite piece measures 24 by 26 by 42 millimeters and weighs 29 grams, making it a compact yet captivating addition to any collection.

At the heart of this specimen lies the enchanting green hues of Dioptase, renowned for its striking coloration and mesmerizing crystalline structure. Intermingled with Dioptase are delicate formations of Calcite, adding a touch of translucence and elegance to the composition. Completing this trio of beauty is the vibrant blue tones of Shattuckite, contrasting harmoniously with the verdant Dioptase and enhancing the specimen's visual allure.

Crafted by nature's hand over countless millennia, this specimen is a testament to the geological wonders found within the depths of the earth. Whether you're an avid collector, a lover of natural beauty, or simply seeking a unique conversation piece, this Dioptase, Calcite, and Shattuckite specimen is sure to captivate and inspire. Add a piece of Congo's mineral wealth to your collection today and experience the timeless beauty of nature's artistry.