Cursed and Haunted Bible In Locked Box.

This IS NOT a Dybbuk box.

Cursed and extremely haunted antique Bible used in an exorcism gone horribly wrong.

This is a very possessed object that is locked inside of a box, and it is strongly advised that you leave it there. It has an angry spirit or demon attached to it, and it causes all kinds of disturbances. The EMFs are off the scale around this thing, and it also vibrates sometimes. The enclosed Bible is not meant to be given out or used by anyone. It was used in an exorcism wherein a house was considered possessed by really powerful and angry ghosts or a demon. The house still has an incredibly scary amount of paranormal activity, but something appears to have attached itself to this once hallowed object after walking through the house while reading the Lord's prayer. The owners tried everything they could to make the spirits leave to no avail. The house itself was the scene of a grisly murder in the early 90s. Ever since then, it has held paranormal energy that drives its occupants out sooner or later. One couple decided to have an exorcism done in the hope that it would clean the entities out of their home once and for all. It didn't. In fact, things got worse. This Bible was used during the attempted exorcism and has exhibited strange occurrences around it ever since. The couple said shadow figures, and the sound of disembodied voices started manifesting near this Bible,  causing much fear in them. The woman claims to have seen what looked like a monk standing next to it, with red eyes that she said cut right through her soul. In fact, so many things started happening around this object that they decidedly locked it up inside this box in an attempt to make the hauntings stop. It didn't work. The couple claims things only got worse. The Bible itself is very old and was left to the lady by an older woman who passed away years ago. It was just one of those things laying around their house on a shelf until the couple elected to use it during their house cleansing. Big mistake. Now, one of the many entities has decided that it doesn't make any difference and is using the book as a conductor of sorts. After the couple locked the Bible up inside this box, most of the violent activity stopped. Momentarily. Then, out of nowhere, things started getting so frightening around this item that they got rid of it. The lady gave it to a neighbor who said after receiving it, things started happening in her house, too. The sounds of screams, pounding on the floors, and big thuds on the walls at night started happening almost immediately. Strange cold spots near this box also happen all the time. The murder that occurred in the past at the couple's house was of a young girl who was babysitting there. This was before the present couple bought the place. Apparently, the murderer beat the girl's head by slamming her body against the living room walls and then  dragged her lifeless corpse down into the basement where she was postmortem sexualy assaulted and then dismembered. The couple were aware of the house's past when they purchased it, but never thought it would effectively follow their life's upon moving in. They were wrong. Getting rid of the Bible locked inside of this box made things calm down in their home, but it didn't totally stop everything. Instead, something that was a part of the haunting left with it, and the rest of the spirits stayed. We can't say for sure what is clinging to this Bible in a box, but we can tell you it is definitely not nice. Wherever this box goes, the spirit goes too. It's a very powerful and angry Entitie that is noisy and dark. This is a very dangerous object and should be handled with extreme caution. It is being kept in our safe here until it finds a brave new owner.

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