Brief Psychotherapies: Principles & Practice by Michael F. Hoyt 2009 is a must-have book for anyone interested in brief psychotherapy. 

Brief therapy can be defined succinctly as Time-sensitive treatment to relieve psychological distress and/or promote growth or as The development of a collaborative alliance and an emphasis on patient/client strengths in the service of an efficient attainment of co-created goals. 

Specific skills and orientation are needed to meet the challenge of providing high-quality professional services in today's economic and healthcare environment. 

Internationally renowned brief therapy expert Dr. Michael Hoyt draws from a variety of approaches brief psychodynamic, brief redecision, brief Ericksonian, strategic and solution-focused to provide a wide range of practical how-to skills based on fuller recognition of the powers of language and imagination plus the principles of caring, collaboration, and respect for clients' competencies.

The book covers various principles and practices of brief psychotherapies, making it a valuable resource for students, educators, and practitioners alike. If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to brief psychotherapy, this book is a perfect choice.