Whenever a meal needs an extra boost of protein, just pull out a pouch of Ready Hour Freeze-Dried Beef. It's perfect during an emergency when our bodies need extra fuel to get through tough times. It can also be a real time-saver on a busy weeknight.

•Inspected for wholesomeness by the U.S. •Department of Agriculture

•Adds delicious protein to any meal

•Ultimate in convenience and choice

•Easy to prepare

•Great for camping trips

•Up to 30-year shelf-life unopened

•Up to 1-year shelf-life after opening

•2 Servings per pouch

•30 Grams / 1/2 CUP per serving (no rinky-dinky skimping here)

•Requires no refrigeration

Made in the USA

Total calories 1,920

Directions for Freeze-Dried Beef:

-Open pouch and remove oxygen absorber.

-Mix 1/2 cup beef bites to 1/2 cup boiling water.

-Let stand 5 minutes.

-Drain off excess water and use as you would regular cooked beef.

Use in meat pies, stews, soups, sandwiches, etc.


Freeze-Dried Cooked Beef Chunks (salt added).

It's best to store this emergency food in a dry, cool location — a dark area, if possible, at temperatures between 55°F and 70°F. Actual shelf life may vary based on individual storage conditions.