Wellness Complete Grain Free Indoor Recipe features the right balance of protein & fat that cats crave. Healthy fiber and L-Carnitine help to support cats with a less active lifestyle. This delicious recipe is formulated with a balanced blend of Omega Fatty Acids, vitamins & minerals to provide the energy your cat needs to thrive.
ENJOY A OF WELLBEING TOGETHER: Working with our staff of vets, nutritionists and scientists, we create each diet to deliver everything your cat needs to thrive, for a
SPECIALLY MADE FOR INDOOR CATS: This Indoor dry grain free recipe was crafted to support cats with a less active lifestyle with healthy fiber, L'Carnitine and just the right balance of protein and fat from fish, perfect for cats that love seafood
WHOLE BODY : Crafted to support your cat's total wellbeing including plenty of energy for playtime, a lustrous skin and coat, sound digestion and immunity, strong teeth and healthy eyes, plus controlled minerals for healthy hydration
CATISFACTION PROMISE: Wellness offers a full range of wet and dry cat food to support your cat's specific taste preferences and needs with dozens of flavors, textures and solutions
MADE IN THE USA: using only the finest globally sourced ingredients, we prepare each of our diets in our own state of the art facility; we craft delicious natural recipes with wholesome, non GMO ingredients chosen for their nutritional benefits