This is the quintessential, aphoristic work, constituting one of the earliest recordings of the Maharshi s teachings, that spells out the nature of the Self and the practice of Self-Inquiry.

The highest truth that Sri Ramana Marharshi has imparted to seekers is that nothing is real but the Self, and that the individual soul, world, and God are nothing but the Self, is a very subtle truth not easily grasped by the mind. The question and answer format is like sequential steps guiding the seeker, one question and answer at a time toward greater clarity into the method of Self-inquiry.

The text begins as follows:
All living beings desire to be happy always, without any misery. In everyone there is observed supreme love for oneself. And happiness alone is the cause of love. In order therefore, to gain that happiness which is one's nature and which is experienced in the state of deep sleep, where there is no mind, one should know oneself. To achieve this, the Path of Knowledge, the enquiry in the form of 'Who Am I?' is the principal means

About 1902 Sivaprakasam Pillai put several questions to the Maharshi and, since the Sage was not then speaking, they were answered in writing. These answers constitute the first set of instructions written by the Maharshi and remain the quintessence of all the teachings he gave thereafter.