Holy Bible☦ New Catholic Edition: William J. Hirten Co., Inc. 1951.

Book is in very good condition, clean, there are no highlighting or underlining text, except dedication printed on the "Presented to" page [look at image #5].

Measures 5 x 1 5/8 x 6 7/8 inches.
Pages 1086 + 383 + Maps.
Weight: 1.10 lbs.

The Holy Bible, particularly the New Catholic Edition, is a sacred text revered by millions around the world. It contains the teachings, stories, and wisdom of the Christian faith.
Structure: The Bible is divided into two main sections:
Old Testament: This portion contains texts that predate the birth of Jesus Christ. It includes historical accounts, poetry, prophecies, and laws.
New Testament: Focused on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It includes the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), letters (epistles), and the Book of Revelation.
Translations: The Bible has been translated into numerous languages and versions. The New Catholic Edition likely adheres to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and may include additional books known as the Deuterocanonical or Apocryphal books.
Purpose: The Bible serves as a guide for faith, morality, and spiritual growth. It provides answers to life’s questions and encourages believers to seek a relationship with God.
Historical Significance: The Bible has shaped art, literature, music, and culture throughout history. It remains a source of inspiration and comfort for many.