
My grandad was a clock enthusiast. He used to restore and repair various types of clocks. He passed away some time ago and left many clocks and parts for me.

I am a photographer and also repair cameras and lenses. I have only little knowledge of clocks, so I want to sell them all. I have no idea about clock parts and their value, so I am going to set the same price for all of them with a best offer option for you.

Please give fair offers. 

All the information I found about every part is listed in the title, the rest is in the pictures. Please check them. If you need more pictures, that is not a problem, please let me know. 

Obviously I want to sell it at the highest possible price, and you want to buy it at the lowest possible price - I am sure we can find the fair price somewhere in the middle.

Please check my other listings for more clock parts.


This is my new private account created for the purpose of the clock parts. The eBay recently changed their policy for business sellers, and because I am not that big to follow new rules, they advised me to create a new account. My original account has over 3.8k positive feedback comments and no negatives - (m.matwiejszyn).