Dean's Triangle

I’ll never forget watching Slydini perform “Coins Through The Table” in the late 70’s. To this day it is one of the most amazing and memorable effects I have ever seen. Now almost 40 years later, from the same man who brought us “Dean’s Box,” Dean Dill has pushed this amazing effect to new heights. Never before has the Coins Through The Table featured complete transparency.

This is the perfect choice for close-up, parlor and corporate events. But don’t just take our word for it, check out the testimonials below and the video performance located on the product page of the website. This is a four phase routine, with each phase being stronger than the last. This phenomenal routine is the result of the creative craftsmanship of Doug Malloy, Joe Porper and Jamie Schoolcraft.

"Not only is the routine & magic awesome, the props are gorgeous. How do you keep coming up with these killer routines?" --Cyril

"If you chartered a plane and flew to the Bermuda Triangle, performed your best coin magic there, Dean’s Triangle would still be more impossible” --Michael Weber

"Dean fools me a lot but this took my breath away. Dean’s Triangle is so visual. I did not believe my eyes.” --Doc Eason