MLB The Show 24 Stubs 338k account - PS/Xbox/Switch - Fast Delivery - online now

Account with 338k stubs.

Once purchased you will get email and password for account when you can log in the companion app and transfer the stubs to your main account I.e. Via comfort trading, buy, etc.

All transcripts will be saved and recorded so scammers beware.


Q: How quick do you deliver?

A: If online normally within a few minutes, if offline, between 2-6h.

Q: what will I get?

A: email and password for acc that has 338k stubs.

Q: Can I log in on console?

A: Yes but Xbox only. You cannot log in console on PS or Switch.

Q: Can I log in on companion app?

A: Yes, you can log in on comp app on Xbox, PS and switch.

Q: Can I transfer stubs to my main account?

A: Yes, log in to companion app and transfer stubs to your main account at your leisure.

Q: do you have lower/higher stubs accounts?

A: Yes, message me and we can discuss amount and price. I provide discounts if buying in bulk.

*I only sell to buyers with more than 10 feedback. Buyers with less than 10 feedback do not buy as you will simply be refunded AT MY OWN TIME*