Remember using an RS-232 cable to connect to stuff? Man, those were the days - I once ran a Laplink network between a 386 and 486 computer using parallel cables. That was cool. 

Since pretty much all computers (and especially laptops) no longer have RS-232 ports, this cable is the solution: USB to 32 pin parallel. That's a pretty elegant solution I think. Keep in mind, per the pictures: the business end of this thing is female. Typically these were used to hook into printers specifically, but there are plenty of other parallel port devices out there. 

Here's the deal - take this thing off my hands for me, because my house is full of stuff I don't need.. but if you win the auction, I need you to send me a message and let me know what parallel device you're hooking into. Mostly because I'm nosy, but also because I love old tech. Thanks!