Rheinberg-Buch: Medieval Fashion Picture Book ~ Laura Cowan

Laura Cowan Medieval Fashion Picture Book 

Laura Cowan - Medieval Fashion Picture Book

Art Nr.: 1474930212

ISBN 13: 9781474930215

B-Nr: INF1001297919

Release Year: 2017

Published by: Usborne Publishing Ltd

Cover: hardcover

Cover Format: 279x224x9

Pages: 24

Weight: 406 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Laura Cowan

Warengruppe: Hardcover/Schule und Lernen/Schulbücher Allgemeinbildende Schulen

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Children can pore over the fashion models dressed in rich medieval clothes with the detailed photos and illustrations - discover the different types of medieval fashion worn by men and women and how they originated. This is an enlightening and entertaining information book which fashion enthusiasts and budding historians can mull over for hours. Filled with informative notes, photographs and sketches explaining the background to each fashion. Historically accurate and checked by experts.