Rheinberg-Buch: Sit Down, Be Quiet: A modern guide to yoga and mindful living ~ Michael James Wong

Michael James Wong Sit Down, Be Quiet: A modern guide to yoga and mindful living 

Michael James Wong - Sit Down, Be Quiet: A modern guide to yoga and mindful living

Art Nr.: 0008249652

ISBN 13: 9780008249656

B-Nr: INF1001302217

SubTitle: A modern guide to yoga and mindful living

Release Year: 2018

Published by: Thorsons

Edition: paperback

Cover: paperback

Cover Format: 215x160x12

Pages: 224

Weight: 520 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Michael James Wong

Warengruppe: Hardcover/Ratgeber/Gesundheit/Entspannung, Yoga, Meditation, Autogenes Training

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'Some guys think yoga makes you less of a man, the truth is it makes you a better one.'

In today's society, being a man is tough. There is a set of unspoken rules that govern the way men are supposed to act and behave - act tough, don't cry, win at all costs and these rules are passed down from generation to generation. BUT a shift has happened and the world has opened up to a more conscious way of living, a more compassionate way of living.

Boys of Yoga's Sit Down, Be Quiet is a straightforward book for the modern male who's ready to step in and start taking control of their own identity and mental well-being. It's time to smash the stereotypes and appreciate that It's cool to be kind, self- aware and non-judgemental. Through practising yoga - working inside as well as out and adopting a mindful approach to the everyday, this book celebrates the way in which guys can take the first steps to a healthier, happier life in the here and now.


<p>Michael James Wong is a culture and lifestyle consultant, International yoga teacher and founder of Boys of Yoga.<br>Boys of Yoga is a global movement helping to challenge and shift stereotypes of men in yoga. Michael is a leading voice in the modern wellness world. He lectures throughout US, UK, Europe, Asia, Australia and NZ, leading classes, talks and events across the world.</p>