
The Monstera Thai Constellation gets its name from its white speckled leaves which appear like stars in the night sky. Unlike most other variegated plants, the Monstera Thai Constellation has much more stable variegation, with each leaf being a new surprise of white patterns. This is both beneficial for the owner of the plant and the plant itself as stable variegation means healthier growth as all variegated plants need some green in their leaves to grow.

Why Choose Us?

Lets be honest, we all love watching plants grow up, each new leaf is a surprise, you wouldn’t be here shopping for plants if you didn’t like growing them in the first place. However rare-ish plants can be quite expensive (especially when large and variegated) Simply put, what we can offer you is a smaller plant therefore a cheaper plant that you can grow up yourself instead of paying double or even triple for a larger plant.

We also list every unique individual plant with individual photos, so you know exactly what to expect and this is particularly helpful with variegated plants.

Care Guide

Light: Bright indirect light (away from direct sunlight)

Watering: Water when top 2cm of soil is dry, soil should be kept damp but not wet.

Soil: Will thrive in chunky indoor potting mix, soil aeration and drainage is important, a mix of perlite can be added. Soilless potting media can be used with fertiliser to prevent pests such as fungus gnats.


Once we receive payment, we aim to send your order within 3 business days or less. Plants will be carefully sent bare root with damp paper towel gently wrapped around their roots. It is best you have a new pot ready to transplant them into upon arrival.