This nifty, "Due 3," "Soldier's Letter(w/o the letter)," was sent on March 1, 1863, from Nashville, Tennessee, by a Phineas A. Hager, 19th Regiment, Michigan Infantry, to his wife, Sabra R. Hager, of Otswego, Michigan! An Israel Cogshall, the chaplain for the 19th Michigan Infantry at the time, counter-signed the mail! Sadly, then-Sergeant Phineas A. Hager would die on August 7, 1864, while fighting in front of Atlanta, Georgia! 

As for the envelope, it's pretty clean. The back flap 95% intact. The envelope was opened at the right side, and has thus been reduced a bit. There is a small tear in the bottom, right corner due to that action. Overall, noted imperfections aside, this is still a really neat cover sent from a heroic, Union soldier of the 19th Regiment, Michigan Infantry, Phineas A. Hager!