1600 BANNED Forbidden Book Occult ZODIACUS Vitae Astrology Metaphysics Zodiac


Zodiacus Vitae’ is a rare and rather bizarre set of poems written by a Marcello Palingenio. Palengenio, who is thought to be the pseudonym of a Pier Angelo Manzoli, writes 12 distinct songs each titled with a different name of the signs of the zodiac with lyrics on metaphysical and astrological ideas on how to live a good life. It even has passages criticizing the Catholic church, which, as could be expected, it was placed on the Prohibited Books Index.


Item number: #25344

Price: $750




Marcelli Palingenii Stellati ... Zodiacus vitæ: hoc est, De hominis vita, studio, ac moribus optime instituendis, libri XII


Basileæ: Typis Brylingerianis, 1600.


·        Collation: Complete with all pages

o   331, [19]

·       Provenance: Handwritten – Jacobuso Bois

·       Language: Latin

·       Binding: Vellum; tight and secure

·       Size: ~4.75in X 3.5in (12cm x 8.5cm)

·       Quite scarce


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