Natural Grain Free Dry Dog Food Reduced Fat Weight Management Turkey & Chicken Recipe is healthy, 100% natural grain free dog food for adult dogs made with turkey, chicken, salmon oil and fruits and vegetables to help support your dog's optimal health, featuring 25% less fat than Original Recipe to help your dog maintain a healthy weight and fortified with antioxidents, probiotics, vitamins and minerals, including fish and flax omega blend for healthy skin and coat. grain free dog food formulas are based on the nutritional philosophy that dogs thrive on a diet mainly comprised of meat. Each grain free, nutrient-rich formula provides high quality protein for your dog with no meat by-products or fillers, grain, corn, soy, wheat-gluten or artificial preservatives, colors or flavors.
GRAIN-FREE ADULT DRY DOG FOOD: Premium protein from responsibly sourced turkey is expertly balanced with nutrient rich superfoods for a complete and balanced dog food, with guaranteed levels of all the nutrients your dog needs to thrive.
LEANER BODY MASS AND MUSCLE TONE: Based on the nutritional philosophy that dogs thrive on a natural diet mainly comprised of meat, this dog food is made with 42% high quality protein ingredients.
SUPPORTS DIGESTIVE HEALTH & HELPS IN WEIGHT MANAGEMENT: Guaranteed levels of omega fatty acids from ingredients such as flaxseed and salmon oil support healthy skin and coat, glucosamine for strong joints, probiotics for digestive health, high fiber and reduced fat for weight management, and taurine for a healthy heart.
NO CORN, WHEAT, OR SOY: Contains only premium, all natural ingredients with no poultry by-products, wheat, wheat gluten, corn, soy, artificial colors, or preservatives.
MADE IN USA: Using only the finest globally sourced ingredients, we prepare each of our diets in our own state of the art facility; recipes crafted with wholesome, non-GMO ingredients chosen for their nutritional benefits.