Rheinberg-Buch: The Political Uses of Governance: Studying an EU White Paper ~ Herausgeber

Herausgeber The Political Uses of Governance: Studying an EU White Paper 

Herausgeber - The Political Uses of Governance: Studying an EU White Paper

Art Nr.: 3866494831

ISBN 13: 9783866494831

B-Nr: INF1001395888

SubTitle: Studying an EU White Paper

Release Year: 2012

Published by: Budrich

Edition: paperback

Cover: paperback

Cover Format: 210x168x32

Pages: 193

Weight: 290 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Herausgeber

Warengruppe: Hardcover/Sozialwissenschaften, Recht, Wirtschaft/Politikwissenschaft

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The term of governance and the way it has been used by European institutions have elicited much interest in the academic world. However, the notion and its uses have often been studied only in terms of intellectual development or network analysis. Such researches leave us in the dark on a key question. What meaning does this concept actually hold to the actors involved To what degree do they have a shared definition of the term Does 'European governance' work as a self-fulfilling prophecy, structuring the space of the EU and the practices of its actors


Prof. Dr. Didier Georgakakis Professor in political science at Sciences-Po Strasbourg, Dr. Marine de Lassalle Senior lecturer in political science at Sciences-Po Strasbourg.