Very interesting catalog/history of the Seagrave fire apparatus company. I think it is a reprint and it is in good condition. Approximately 20 of the different firetrucks they offered and history of the company as well as different pumps and motors they used.


“The Seagrave Company takes great pleasure in presenting this, its latest catalog of motor fire apparatus. While the equipments illustrated herein are representative of the line of apparatus bearing the Seagrave trade-mark, it is

impossible to illustrate the complete scope of Seagrave work. Many pieces of apparatus are built to special specifications to meet the requirements of prospective users, and persons interested in this feature will be supplied with photographs, specifications, and other data on request.

The Seagrave Company, incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio, and its immediate predecessors, have manufactured fire apparatus exclusively for the past thirty years. With the advent of motor-driven vehicles its engineers turned their attention to the possibility of adapting this motive power to Seagrave equipment. Realizing the exacting conditions under which fire apparatus must operate and the unfailing service demanded of it, the Seagrave Company has held steadfastly to the policy of building up to a high standard rather than down to a predetermined price.

In line with this policy the Seagrave Company builds its product complete in its own factory — the largest factory in the world devoted exclusively to the manufacture of motor fire apparatus.

A careful perusal of the specifications and detail illustrations shown on the following pages will make it apparent that Seagrave apparatus embodies the best in design, material and workmanship, and that while the cost to install is somewhat higher than other lines, its absolute reliability in performance and low cost of up-keep more than justify the slightly higher first cost.

Seagrave apparatus is in successful operation in Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Detroit, Seattle, San Diego, Los Angeles, Birmingham, and in many other cities in the United States; also in the principal cities of Canada, Hawaiian Islands, Philippine Islands, and Panama.

Seagrave products include the following motor apparatus:

Pumping engines of 300 gallons per minute to 1200 gallons per minute; combination cars, chemical engines, hose cars, aerial trucks, service trucks, water towers, two-wheel tractors and four-wheel tractors; also special apparatus to meet every requirement for fire department use.”