First 3 issues of the Goon published by Avatar Press. High grade copies. Art and story by Eric Powell. 

1st full appearance of the Goon. Painted cover art by Eric Powell. Scripts and art by Eric Powell. Untitled story; After the Zombie Priest raises the bounty on The Goon to $50,000, Goon becomes a target for redneck werewolves, a strange mobster named Joey the Ball, man-eating rats and a giant zombie chimp! Untitled The Goon story; reprints first published Goon story from Dreamwalker #0.

Painted cover art by Eric Powell. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Powell; A government group known as The G-Men arrive to aid the Zombie Priest; meanwhile The Goon and Franky come face to face with an old friend, now turned foe; Zombies, fish-monsters and talking chainsaws await as the reader experiences another average day in the life of The Goon!

Painted cover art by Eric Powell. Untitled story, script and art by Eric Powell; The Goon is captured by G-Man Smith and his group of G-Men and is brought to the Zombie Priest to be interrogated; Meanwhile, Franky attempts to form a rescue party to save his friend from certain death! 5-page preview of Marshall: Godling of War, script and art by Brian Clopper

>descriptions copied and pasted from Lone Star Comics.