It is a piece of me. I named it The Red Blanket, because that is the exact blanket I have and which my family and neighbors abuse me in. The Red Blanket, is my hero, and a blessing from God. I smother myself in it, so as to block out every pass of the hand, or slip of the tongue from my "family". You can see my red blanket in the photo I have previewed, it's in the background. I create unique and engaging photos, where I detail my life all while I am being abused by family and neighbors. I take photos or draw, so people can have a piece of me I no longer want. I have been creating art since I was a child and have never sold any art. My art stands out because it is truthful. Most of the art people creates borders on meaningless . Or it is a facade of being meaningful, like those people who make art out of plastic bottles. They claim it’s to bring awareness to climate change, but that is far from true. If they wanted attention to be on the issue of climate change, they would remain anonymous, yet they share their name. If they wanted it to be about climate change, they would find a way to show people how to make their own art from plastic bottles to reduce waste. Not just themselves. If you buy my piece, I will send you the rest of my art and writings, that detail my life.

—-Terms of Service—-

Creator must be credited if the art, including every part in the files, is shown publicly online or at a gallery. They must be credited under this shop name, sakaturisanurI (capital I at the end).

Buyer is not allowed to claim the art as their own, privately or publicly.

Buyer is not allowed to edit, the photos in anyway.

Buyer is allowed to print the photos on clothes or other materials, but cannot resell those materials on their own without the artist or ebaySeller, sakaturisanuri, receiving credit (100% credit) and commission (at least 80% of profits).

Artist, sakaturisanuri, owns all rights and copyrights to the art. They created it, it is their art and belongs to them. This includes sharing and distributing the art

This art is one of a kind, it is not plagiarized or copied in anyway.

To someone viewing the pieces, or the person buying the photo and files. You have now brought a piece of art similar to a painting. However the rights and copyright of the art still belong to the artist. —-Anyone who distributes this photo or it’s attached downloads, and credit and commission (80% of all profits including after taxes) is not given. That includes reposting, or reprinting on merchandise, will be liable in the court of law. Artist would prefer it not be resold and the buyer, keeps it as a piece of the owner’s heart, a holder of their trauma. However buyer may resell it, if they wish. —-

Buyer can ask the ebaySeller, sakaturisanurI to make the digital files into real physical artpieces, then they may do so. If the artist agrees, then they can make it, and if they can afford the materials needed. However that is not a guarantee, that the physical will completely match, the digital photos and files. Artist may resell the same photos and files on other websites, and doing so does not infringe upon the buyer’s ownership of these particular pieces of art on this particular website. “I would try my best to not do that. My art means a lot to me, you the buyer means a lot to me, we are forever connected and I mean that.” —-It is not acceptable under buying these photos and files, that the buyer or viewer distorts them, alters them and their stories, or modifies them in any manner. If it is plausibly found that that has occurred, publicly or privately, artist is liable to commission and offender is liable in the court of law of the United States of America.—- Permission must be granted by the artist, etsySeller, to bypass the terms of service and conditions mentioned. This purchase is non refundable. I have to emphasize I would prefer it not be resold. I would also prefer it be sold for more than what I have listed, you can message me to make that happen. Please keep it if I do sell it to you. And they include the photos you see, and two files that I will send to your email or phone number once you purchase. Thank you.