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Superior Excellency is proud to present Tim Prusmack Money Art. $2 Fun Dollars  PCGS Very Choice New 64 PPQ STUNNING!!!

  A perfect from the 'Fantasy Notes' series issued in 2001. A perfect piece of this numismatic money art that is flawless in every regard. Numbered 247 out of only 250 made, a real treasure! 

Tim Prusmack (1962–2004) was an American artist. He specialized in pen-and-ink drawings of U.S. currency.

His art work was so unique that it earned him the title of the "Mozart of Money Art". Several bank notes that were privately commissioned by such countries as Ireland (i.e. the beautiful "Irish Note") are not available in the United States. One piece of art took him weeks and even months of intensive work in which he drove himself for perfection.

As a young child Tim Prusmack started coin collecting and his skill in art and love of history fused perfectly in his "money art". Before starting a piece of money art, Prusmack would study the portraits of the people he would draw and read about their lives extensively. He claimed this gave him "insight into their point of view" and assisted Prusmack in drawing "the look in their eyes".

Death and legacy:

Just before his death, Prusmack was wanted for the coveted and unique position as a money designer for the U.S. Bureau of Printing and Engraving. Just before the surgery that resulted in his death, he eagerly looked forward to this role. Prusmack's legacy to the art world and numismatic world is unique. In addition, Prusmack created beautiful cover art and posters for many numismatic organization. He supported youth in numismatic activities.

Clean all around with sharp corners and fascinating color. So look at the scans, check our 100% positive feedback and add this Enlightening Glorious note to your currency portfolio.

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